Friday, May 1, 2009

Nintendo joins massive new UK games event (Xbox 360)

It's been a while since the UK had a proper, full-blown, full-fatgaming show. The London Games Festival has been doing a pretty good job over the last couple of years of course, but we haven't really seen a big, shiney, focused extravaganza of digital excess since the days ofGame StarsLive. And that was a long time ago.

That mightchange thisyear though, as new event Game On! (gratuitous exclamation mark theirs, not ours) attempts to stomp all over the June page of the gaming calendar and make it its bitch. Headlined by HMV and organised by the UK eSports Association, the plan is to make the 20,000 capacity event the biggest consumer-friendly games fest in the country this year. And by the sounds of it they could be onto a winner.New games, so-new-they're-not-even-finished-games, eye-popping tech and pro gaming will all be there in abundance, as now will Nintendo, having just confirmed their attendance.

Nintendo? At a hardcore-focused gaming event? Potentially exciting, no? WithGame On!happening on the 20th and 21st of June - mere days after E3 - eyebrows must surely twitch at the possibility of some proper games in Ninty's line-up this year.

Interested? Provided you still have a working pulse and fully-operating higher brain functions, of course you are. So head tothis website right here, get your ticket for a mere 8, and begin preparing your transportation to London's Olympia immediately. Sounds like this is one you really don't want to miss.

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